In the days before Covid-19, any kind of software implementation was usually undertaken onsite. Technical experts from the software company would arrive on an agreed date to load the software onto the customer’s systems, and staff would then be trained how to use it in face-to-face training sessions.
The onset of the pandemic has changed things and it is no longer possible for software providers to enter any kind of premises, let alone a care home, many of which have been closed to visitors for the majority of the year. But this should not prevent care providers from introducing new software to their facility – especially if it is going to mean that more work can be done electronically, remotely and therefore improve efficiency.
If you have never experienced the process of having software implemented remotely, i.e. ‘onboarding’, there may naturally be some concerns. The Care Software Providers Association (CASPA) has made a list of these in its digital adoption white paper, which includes: staff resistance to change, data breach/loss, poor adoption leading to worsening quality records, poor governance around password management, and access to information for external stakeholders. To these we would add: what if the individuals being ‘onboarded’ cannot access the current systems? What if all the systems fail? How will the staff be trained on how to use the new system?
Not to worry, we will explain what all the fuss is about! At PredicAire one of our core values is to ensure transparency and the use of technology is made available to everyone. Remote onboarding can be as effective, and sometimes more so, than having an onsite trainer.
Currently, there is nothing in the Care Quality Commission (CQC)’s requirements regarding the use of technology by care providers. It states that, ‘the fundamental standards do not set out what provider records must look like or what format they should be in - it is the provider’s choice if they use paper or digital records systems, or a mixture of the two. However, it also goes on to say that, ‘our transitional regulatory approach may mean that we will request more information from providers in a digital format. This includes inspectors asking for access to digital care records when not on site, so change is clearly afoot and all providers should prepare for this.
This is not vastly different to an onsite onboarding session, however, you will find that it will cost you less (zero trainer travel costs) and there will be less disruption to staff routines and rotas as the training delivery can be done at the user’s leisure.
If any staff have to miss the training due to illness, holiday, or self-isolation, they can easily catch up without a software trainer having to return at another date.
CASPA’s white paper on digital adoption also notes that, “when you choose a product that is easy to use, most carers are trained by their peers.”
This will vary depending on the software selected. However, PredicAire’s training is in the format of detailed recordings, in short clips, showing how to use the system in a simple, step-by step guide.
By structuring the training in this way, rather than one long video, it will be easier for staff to absorb the information, and also be able to replay some or all of the training to clarify certain points.
PredicAire’s system is the first holistic care management software system powered by Artificial intelligence (Ai). In addition to the advantages of a digital system mentioned above, it also offers a unique resident observation feature through its ‘Virtual Nurse’, FLO
The pandemic has shown everyone just how much can be achieved remotely with the right technology in place. Even if it is just through video calls, the events of 2020 have forced many care providers to take the first tentative steps towards digitalisation. Because PredicAire is a holistic system, the onboarding process only occurs once, and then all the technology you need will be in place. Why not embrace the change now, and be part of the revolution in care?
Contact us to book a demo and see how easy remote onboarding could be for your care business.