Care Reimagined: Single Sign On Care Delivery Software

For many care providers, every additional layer of digitalisation has advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the function which is being digitalised there are numerous possible advantages, which we have highlighted frequently:

Currently these functions are carried out by software programmes, which are often fragmented thus making it difficult to undertake valuable analytics as the data is not housed under one eco system. This presents the following shortcomings:

  • Multi system sign-ons, often with different passwords for each
  • The possibility of forgetting passwords and thus being unable to access certain systems
  • The software is often generic and therefore not designed for the nuances of the care sector
  • The software packages work well in a standalone capacity, but are not fully synchronised in one eco system, thus limiting interoperability and possible preventative measures
  • The software only delivers computerised versions of the legacy paper-based processes, in the main part only leveraging the experience of the individual administering care at any point in time
  • Because essential data is not gathered in a structured manner, it is difficult for Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning to be effective
  • The fragmented ‘semi-digital’ system requires an element of manual input, which leads to the possibility of error and takes time
  • Complex pricing, which makes it an expensive proposition for care providers.

The need for single sign on software is therefore obvious and, as increasing amounts of our lives are spent online, will be required in many areas. The UK Government is beginning its own attempts to create a single sign on system to access Government services with ‘Gov.UK Accounts’. Writing in a blog post in September 2021, Jen Allum, former Head of Gov.UK, wrote that it wanted to “give users continuity, so that they don’t need to start from scratch each time they need to do something with the government” and, “this is about using data to make services more efficient, delivering policy to users quicker, radically improving support over time, and being able to communicate directly to users.”

Using data to make services more efficient, delivering to users more quickly, and improving support, are also aims of single sign on software in the care sector. PredicAire has introduced a system which not only achieves these aims but goes further, by using Artificial Intelligence (Ai) in FLO, its virtual nurse to predict and prevent unnecessary outcomes. Using Jen Allum’s aims for Gov.UK Accounts, we can see the many advantages to single sign on care delivery software:

  • PredicAire gives users continuity as they only have to sign on to the system once, and all records which they need to access or amend, i.e. care plans, recording resident observations, staff rotas, training records, maintenance, or administration, will be available to them.
  • It makes the provision of care more efficient, ensuring staff spend less time on administration and more time with the residents. In the future, its planned interface with the NHS means that data will be transferred seamlessly without the possibility of error
  • In the future PredicAire will allow users to receive care more quickly, as medical records will be transferred electronically without the need to wait for paper forms from the GP or hospital. The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, speaking at the Care England Conference in November 2020, spoke about the need for single patient records to be shared between the NHS and social care, i.e. interoperability.  
  • It allows care providers to deliver resident centric care by using Flo, its virtual nurse, to generate early warning signals via the use of Ai, as well as monitor residents’ health and nutrition, identify anomalies, and facilitate the ability to predict and prevent unwanted outcomes
  • PredicAire allows direct communication between end users of care and their families, with a family portal which can be used to share images, news, and data
  • PredicAire promotes outcome-based care delivery, whereas the existing market approach is task-based. The latter is restrictive, and does not encourage care staff to think about better and more efficient ways to support residents which will enhance their lives.

PredicAire goes further, with its holistic eco system covering every aspect of care delivery. Although Nutrition and Electronic Medication records (eMAR) are natural extensions to care planning software, maintenance and being CQC inspection-ready are not – yet our care delivery system includes these modules too. As our founders have experienced both sides of care provision, they use their knowledge to inform and test the features of PredicAire, which will ensure better outcomes for everyone. They understand the need to be inspection ready at all times, and that planned and preventative maintenance are vital to residents’ wellbeing, ensuring that the home itself and its facilities are safe and function as they should.

PredicAire is truly care reimagined – contact us for a demo, and be part of the care revolution.

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by PredicAire
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